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Welcome to Wirral's Home Guard
Living History Group  "D" Coy, 21st Battalion Cheshire Home Guard 

Apply to get involved in our Living History Group

Home: Welcome


Our Living History Group is open to anyone with an interest in the British Home Guard activities during WW II and to any other individual or group of individuals who would like to participate in out activities either as a Full Member or an Associate Member of our group.

Please ask for details of classes of membership and for details of the criteria required. Being an associate has very few requirements and does not attract a membership fee. Yearly subscriptions for full membership are currently £10.00 a year 

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Join CH 21 Home Guard WW II Living History Re-enactor's Group - Wirral

If you feel you would like to contribute  to the activities of our group and are enthusiastic about the era we try to represent, please consider joining us

This Group is to facilitate a greater understanding of who the Home Guard were and the activities they undertook during WW Ii The group invites anyone who has a genuine interest in the British Home Front 1939 - 1945 to consider what they may feel they can offer the group as a member. We are a relatively new group on the Living History scene and still small in numbers, but anyone who appreciates historical accuracy is welcome to participate as a re-enactor or in a support capacity. Just have a chat with us

Thanks for submitting!

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Introducing Our Founder & Chairperson

June 9th 2021

John, a 1st class Hons modern history graduate and passionate WWII enthusiast formed the Group during the 2020 Covid pandemic. The group, which is being constructed on precepts of historical accuracy takes account of several years of the personal experience of its founder in historical event planning, charity concert planning and TV work


Meeting Times

June 9th 2021

Subject to prevailing circumstances we meet on the first Wednesday of every month at Eastham Home Guard old Comrades Association Park Rd, Eastham, Wirral CH62 8AH


Meet Our Members

As at 7th December 2021

Luke Anthony  (Associate Member)

Philip Jellicoe  (Associate Member)​​

Derek Herbert (Winston Churchill Re-enactor) (Associate Member)

Linda Herbert (Clementine Churchill Re enactor) ( Associate Member)

​​Dave Adams ( (Associate Member)

​​Dave Dawes ( (Associate Member)

​Lillie Moore 40's singer) (Associate Member)

​Stuart Bray (Associate Member)

​Nick Hendriks (Associate Member)

​Dave Baily (Associate Member)

​​V Anne Nan (Support) (Full Member)

​​Jenny Lamb (Associate Member)

​​​Darren Thompson (Logistics & Compliance  (Squad Rank  Pte.) (Full Member)

​Pat Rayner  (Associate Member)

​Lucy Mc  (Associate Member)

​Charles McKnight (Associate Member)

​Paul Bull (Associate Member)

​Peter Webster  (Associate Member)

​Morgan Montalvo  (Associate Member)

​Dave Calveley (TAC) (Associate Member)

​Maurice A. Bennett-Green (Radio & Coms) (Full Member)

​Niwaldo Werner Júnior  (Associate Member) (Overseas)

Luke Anthony (Associate Member)

Lian Cheyne (Associate Member)

Peter Webster (Associate Member)

​​Christian Bennett (Associate Member)​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dave Grandy (Associate Member)

​​Paul Coe Hon. President (Technical / Military / Historical advisor) (Hon Full Member

​​Kevin Drake (Associate Member)

​​David Browne  (Squad Rank Sgt.) (Full Member)

​​Shelly Notold (Associate Member)​​​

Les Stanley (Associate Member)

​​Mark Pierce (Associate Member)

​​Claire H. Wilson (Film / Media) (Associate Member)

​​John T. Williams (Associate Member)

​​Morgan Owen (Squad Rank L. Cpl) (Full Member)

​​Dave Plumb Despatch Rider MV owner (Full Member)

​​Graham Allan (Squad Rank L. Cpl.) (Full Member)

​​Chris Griffiths (Associate Member)

​​David Hampshire (Associate Member)

​​David Colenso (Associate Member)

​​Tim McCulloch (Squad Rank Pte.) (MV owner) (Full Member)

​​​​Ian Starnes (R.A.F Rep.) (Full Member)

​​Maarten De Gryse (Associate Member)

​​Michele Webster (Associate Member)

​​Steve Bourne (ARP Warden / Police) (Full Member)

Shelly Bourne (W.V.S) (Full Member)​

​​Damian Thomas (Associate Member)

​​Jamie Cameron (Associate Member)

​​Paul Dutton (Associate Member)

​​Les Hill (Associate Member)

​​Peers John William (Full Member)

​​Joe O Toole (Overseas) (Associate Member)

​​Marc Huske (Associate Member)

​​Andy Yeomans (Associate Member)

​​John Dring (Associate Member)​

​​Davey Gee (Associate Member)

​​Karl Newman (Visiting HG Shropshire)

(Associate Member)

​​Elfyn Pierce-Jones (Weapons Expert) (Associate Member)

Jonathan Starnes ( Archive Film and photographer)  (Full Member)​

​​Rob Moss (Supporter) (Full Member)

​Bill Harriman (Squad Rank Pte.)

(Associate Member)​

​Kyle Evans (George Formby Performer) (Associate Member)

​Glenys Harrison (Cheshire H.G. Re-enactors Group - Various Support Roles) (Associate Member)​

​Raymond Hughes (Associate Member)

​Anthony Corns (Associate Member)

​Robert Frost (H.P.T Representative) (Hon. Full Member)

​Cath Roberts (Supporter and Broadcaster BBC Radio Merseyside) (Associate Member)

​Steve Walling (Associate Member)

​Wm T Ripley (Associate Member)

​Helen Peers (Associate Member)

​Catherine Peers (Associate Member)

​Derek Thom (Associate Member)

​Janet Griffin (Associate Member)

​Helen Peers (Associate Member)

​Catherine Peers (Associate Member)

​Janet Griffin (Associate Member)

​Chris Everette (Associate Member)

​Dave Roberts (Western Approaches Representative) (Associate Member)

​Wayne Blessing (Associate Member)

​Karla Billington (Associate Member)

​Leslie Irving (Associate Member)

​Frank Browne (Associate Member)

​Robin Charles Delaney (Arizona)

(Associate Member) (Overseas)

​Berni ONeill (Associate Member)

​Alan Crowe (Associate Member)

​Jenny Copeland (Associate Member)

​Chris Wilson (Walk On / Stand In / Body Double at Film Industry) (Associate Member)

Becky Bennett (Squad Women's H.G. Pte) (Entertainer) (Full Member)

Tony Piggott (Squad LDV Pte.) (News Letter Ed)  (Full Member)

​Ian Johnson (Visiting Member MAN 48) (Associate Member) 

​Melissa Markowicz) (Associate member)

​Angela Brown (Associate Member)

​Ciggie Williams (V.F.V.) (Associate Member)

​Debbie Rees ( WW II Cook ) (Associate Member)

​Mathew Onion (Associate Member)

​Nick Wall (Associate Member)

​Atie Van Doesburg (Leader of Land Army Section) (Full Member)

​Michelle Lowe (Associate Member)

​Tony Power (Associate Member)

​Richard Howard Garside (Visiting Member MAN 48) (Associate Member)

​Brian Walton (Visiting Member MAN 48) (Associate Member)

​Ben Wilkes (Police Re-Enactor) (Associate Member)

​Stu M Ashton (Associate Member)

​Ravindra Singh Chauhan (Associate Member)

​Angela Brown (Associate Member)

​Angie Jones (Associate Member)

​Alan Crowe (Associate Member)

​Brian Walton (Associate Member)

​Margaret Worsley (Associate Member)

​Chris Longden (Associate Member)

​Ted Markowicz (Squad Rank Pte.) (Full Hon Member)

​Adam Rayson (Militaria) (Associate member)

​Jeanette Roach (Associate Member)

​Neil Spruce (Associate member)

​Emiliy Gardner Snell (Associate member)

​Samuel Parsons (Visiting Member MAN 48) (Associate Member)

​Chris Ryan ( LDV Squad Rank Pte.) (Full Member)

​​​​​​Lill Simkins (Associate Member)

Shaun Bewley (Associate Member)

​Spencer Vaughan (Visiting Member MAN 48) (Associate Member)

​Andy Williamson (Associate Member)

​Clive Williams (Associate Member)

​Josh Cottrell (Associate Member)

​Kerry Johnson (Associate Member)

​Paul Watson (Associate Member)

​Alan Pearson (Drill Instructor) (Associate Member)

​Jeanette Marie (Associate member)

​Cheshire & Merseyside Military Vehicles) (By Association)

Mohammed El Saddo (Associate Member)


Introducing Our Second in Command

January 1, 2021

Post to be filled

Black and White Typewriter


January 1, 2021

1) We strive for the very best in historical representation
2) When in character, we strive to adopt all that was best in the human spirit during WW II
3) We strive to work as a team helping one another to achieve the best results
4) We strive, as far as possible to work on the military principals of the time, which involves a high degree of discipline in all our activities
5) When in character, we act in a way that respects those we try to represent, and to honour their memory through our bearing and behaviour
6) When in character ( in kit ) we have a high regard for our appearance and demeanour, which involves caring for our kit and equipment in an appropriate manner


Member Requirements

January 1, 2021

1) members will aspire to work towards the most accurate portrayal of their character ( this applies to participating re-enactment support groups as well )

2) For those of us in the Home Guard, Kit must be as far as possible, (given an appreciation of individual financial constraints), matching, of the same quality & colourway, material etc and  be approved by the group as a whole so as to appear as a coherent and smart unit

3) On acceptance into the group, new members would be welcome as L.D.V. This means a minimal commitment to kit ( just an L.D.V arm band ) but period civvies will be necessary to ensure that you are true to the spirit of the period

4) whilst in character, we aim to have a command structure as would have been the case at the time, and this will mean adhering to the instructions and commands of senior ranks

5) Members bearing arms need to be fully aware of the laws concerning weapons and the carrying and use of replicas while in the public arena

6) Members need to carry the necessary insurance and public liability documents as required for public events

Home: Join Us

About Wirral Home Guard
Living History Re-Enactment Group


Our Wirral based  Living History Group consists of members who are dedicated to an accurate portrayal of the men and women who served in the Home Guard during World War II. We strive to ensure that their contribution to freedom is never forgotten. We endeavour to meet  together on a regular basis in order to share our knowledge with the wider community, plan events, raise funds, and enjoy activities based on our common interest. Wirral Home Guard Re-enactor's Group promotes and expects a non-judgmental and supportive attitude from participants. If you’re interested in joining or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Home: About


Useful Info

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of common questions and answers about our Living History Group. Browse the section, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

How often does CH 21 Home Guard WWII Living History Reenactor's Group meet?

Subject to prevailing circumstances at the time our group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at Eastham Home Guard Old Comrades Association Park Rd, Eastham, Wirral CH62 8AH ( members Group )

How do I join a meeting for the first time?

There are many ways to engage with us. As a member you can join us at our monthly meetings. Alternatively you can look at our Facebook pages. This will give you a Broad brush view of what our interests are. If you like what you see, and think you would like to join us you can apply to join the group. This will ensure we can keep you better informed about our ongoing or planned activities. Following on from this, when meetings are once again allowed, join us to meet the members and we can see where you might like to be involved. Alternatively, just drop us a line by email and tell us somethimng about yourself and we will see where that takes us

Do I have to be a member to participate?

You do not have to be a member to participate, but it helps; as in being a member we can be assured of keeping you fully informed of our various plans and thus enable you to contribute fully in whatever capacity you feel would suit you

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Upcoming Events

Home: Upcoming Events

Contact Us

Have questions about CH 21 Home Guard WW II Living History Reenactor's Group, here in Wirral or interested in joining? Please reach out — we’re happy to help.

RAF Hooton Park, Hooton Park Airbase, (Hooton Park Trust) 

Hangar 16 Airfield Way, Ellesmere Port CH65 1BQ

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